Welcome to Yang Acupuncture and Herbs
A Gateway to Health
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) was originated in China and consists mostly of Chinese herb medicine and acupuncture. Traditional Chinese medicine has more than 3000 years of history. In the United States, more and more people are choosing TCM as a safe and effective mechanism to treat health problems and improve one's overall condition. People are gravitated towards TCM because of its holistic and natural concepts centering around the person’s entire system. The key word “holistic” means that treatment does not simply address to symptoms. Instead, it is based on an overall evaluation of the patient’s condition with its target at improving the patient's life and well-being as a whole.
We have two office locations in Gaithersburg and Frederick of MD and work for Monday to Saturday. We accept in-network and out-of-network insurance. We also accept cash and personal check. Please contact us for details.